AI Copilot

Private Equity
Hedge Funds
Private Equity
Hedge Funds

Harnessing AI to extract & structure expert call insights

Client ready transcripts

Best-in-class custom transcription solution for research professionals

Get client and partner ready output the moment the call is completed. No more late hours, or missed notes.

Junior has superior note-taking capabilities, removing filler words, informal language, repetitions and interruptions. You can pass in proper nouns to boost its spelling capabilities.

call tracker transcript flow
Key takeaways screenshot
Key takeaways

Instant key takeaways, generated for every call

Capture the most salient points of each call, linked to your interview guides and scope of work. Junior can generate them itself, or let you take the steering wheel and guide the summary output.

Automatically share them with your team the moment the call is done. Keep everyone on the same page.

Find quotes faster

CTRL + F on steroids

No more combing through mountains of transcripts for that one killer quote an expert said. Our turbocharged semantic search understands synonyms and context to expand the scope of relevant answers, so you no longer need to recall if they said "procurement" or "contracts" or "pricing."

Save your favourite quotes to customised quote banks so you can synthesise them later as you move to slide output.

ctrl + f search shot
quantatitive measurements
Quantitative measurements

No more manual data entry; automate your quant sheets

Transform unstructured voice and transcript data into meaningful structured insights that are now automatically pulled from your calls. Import questions from your interview guides and let Junior handle the rest.

  • Created right after a transcript has been cleaned
  • Audit trail to always double check the source
  • Data validation to get the output format you want
  • You're always in control: override / amend answers
  • Effortlessly create customizable charts
Data synthesis & interrogation

Synthesise the answer with JuniorGPT

Get instant thematic summaries of your findings across the entire set of interview transcripts or your quant tracker and generate new insights.

Junior can intelligently collate information for you and answer questions about the meaning of what was said in your calls.

juniorgpt image
Workflow tools built by consultants for consultants

The only tool custom built for the consulting industry

Call Note-taking & Cleaning

Industry-leading transcription customised for consultants combined with LLMs to automatically generate high quality call notes

Transcript Review

Granular controls for you to quickly clean transcripts manually to your specific standards

Call Tracker

Your tracker used to be in a spreadsheet, your call notes in fragmented documents. Now, all of your calls - irrespective of source - all in one place.

Interview Workstream Analytics

Snapshot view to help you keep abreast of progress against statement of work

Interview Guide & Expert Network Brief Generation

Upload your scope doc, get first draft interview guides and email briefs. Get your team up and running much faster.

Best of Breed Model Approach

Different models perform better for different tasks. One size doesn’t fit all - rely on us to pick the right underlying architecture for each use case

Audit Trails & Data Lineage

We address hallucination by grounding LLM output to specific sourcing in every part of the application

Export Anything

We get it, sometimes you need things in Ol’ Reliable (the Office suite). One-click export to your tool of choice, from anywhere in the app.

Get Started with Junior